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  • Writer's pictureVictoria

Mini Road Trip

Updated: Sep 1, 2021

Jayson and Mercury, who I did my last overnights with decided they would like to join me for Pollett’s Cove on my way to Newfoundland. They carpooled but obviously I had to have my own car to continue on after. We hit the road about 8 AM on Sunday morning since we had a long drive. We stopped for a quick little picnic and to repack just before the Canso causeway. I was lending some gear to Mercury since it was going to be chillier and we divided up my tent for us to share. We both hammocked last weekend but we were told this hike is very windy and hanging a hammock is not always the easiest.

This hike has been on my to do list all summer, it's one of those off the beaten path places that someone posted on social media and it blew up. The hike is known for being quite challenging, although short and rewarding. It ends at a breathtaking beach where there are some camping structures built. The land is private so it is important to be respectful and follow Leave No Trace principles. The land owner has horses and lets them run wild on his land certain times of the year. The pictures on social media of camping here are a lot of the horses visiting camp. This really seems like a beautiful and unique place to visit.

We stopped at Egypt Falls along the way as well, once Mercury and Jayson heard that I had never been they insisted we go. On the way hike in to the falls we saw a really cool looking yellow caterpillar, I went to take a picture of it and then we saw a toad hop up so I decided to take a video and sure enough the toad tried to eat the caterpillar. Apparently this kind of caterpillar is poisonous because it was immediately spat out. There is a video of it on my Instagram or message me and I’ll send it to you!

Egypt Falls was a little steep to get to but absolutely worth it. The hike in wasn't long and there are lots of ropes to help with the descent. Since it just recently rained the waterfalls were fully flowing and all the foliage was a bright green.

We got some really nice pictures but didn’t stay long. We really wanted to get to Pollett's Cove with enough time to enjoy the views there. While at the base of the falls we saw a group of Americans who climbed up to the second level of them and went swimming. We thought that would have been something fun to do if we knew beforehand about it. This trip is definitely making me regret never really spending time exploring Cape Breton before.

The hike out was much harder because now we are going up the super steep muddy hills. We decided to try the new way that had just been built, Mercuy and Jayson hadn't gone that way before and thought it might be easier. There is a veterans mental health centre near the falls and they’ve been working on building stairs to make the falls more accessible. I definitely think this way was harder though because it was so much longer. I didn’t bring my trekking polls because it only 10 minutes or so as an in and out but I kind of wished I had them. They are definitely becoming my favourite piece of gear. 

By the time I got back to the car I was feeling hot and tired. Thankfully a friend sent me on the road with some vegan donuts from vandals so I was able to reward myself with one after this steep climb.

Our next stop was the Frog Pond Café. Jayson  had been through before and really wanted us to try their coffee and baked goods. Definitely was not disappointed and it was nice to stretch our legs again. This will also be the last spot we had Wi-Fi or cell service since the hike is so remote.

Driving through Cape Breton Highland Park really reinstated that I should have come to Cape Breton sooner. The only times I had come when I really went to Port Hawkesbury or to a wedding in Inverness. So I never got to properly enjoy the island. Driving along the coast in the Highland Park was absolutely stunning. I wanted to stop at almost every look off to take photographs. However, we are really hoping to get to Pollett’s Cove for the sunset so I told myself I could stop tomorrow.

Have you been to Cape Breton? Or do you want to meet me there on my way back from Newfoundland?

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1 Comment

Sep 01, 2020

So beautiful! I visited Cape Breton years ago briefly to visit a friend's mother while on a trip to Goose Bay via Halifax airport, have to go back one day!

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