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  • Writer's pictureVictoria

Cape Breton!

Updated: Sep 1, 2021

I am a little bit behind on my blog. Getting back to Halifax and seeing all my friends got really hectic. I’m going to post about things that happened a few weeks ago but I only have time to post now.

A friend and I went to Cape Breton for two days and one night to do a little bit of exploration. When I came back from Newfoundland I was saying I had wished I had spent more time there before I planned on leaving in Nova Scotia. B hadn’t spent much time there either so we booked an Airbnb for a night.

On the way there we stopped in a little park to eat our lunch and go for a walk. We really wanted to experience some of the fall colours and stretch our legs. It was an interesting little park as it looked like it used to have camp sites. Areas were definitely cleared out and some had fire rings still but they were close together with no privacy.

The Airbnb we picked was a cabin on someone’s home property. We chose it because it had water access and kayaks for us to use, it also had a fire pit and firewood. It was super cute with the main area as just one big room with a bed and a pull out couch, tiny kitchen area and table. And there was a really nice bathroom with soap, shampoo and towels all provided. There was also a front porch that actually faced the water.

We got settled in and decided to go for a kayak before dinner so that we could enjoy it before it got too cold. I have kayaked a few times but I tend to canoe more. I haven’t kayaked in years really. As soon as I went to get in, I offset my balance and I went right over the other side into the ocean. We had a good laugh and thankfully the sun was bright enough to keep me warm.

We had seen a lighthouse from the bridge we crossed and so we paddled the direction we thought it was to try and find it. After about 30 minutes we haven’t seen it so we turned around. Kayaking was a lot of fun but I didn’t bring my phone with me so I have no pictures. I was a little worried that I would get a wet, and seeing how I fell into the water I made the right decision.

We were pretty hungry after kayaking so we went to Baddeck to find dinner. We knew that it could be hard to find an open restaurant, between coronavirus and it being the off season...We ended up at a restaurant in an Inn, Gisele's. Before I even talk about the food, just know you need to go there!

We ordered smoked salmon to start, partially because it was only 9$. We got 3x the amount we were expecting! I have paid more and gotten a half of what were given. I don't think I've actually ever had a serving that large. AND it was still good.

We then ordered Fish Tacos and lobster pasta. Amazingly, both these dishes were under 20$. And they were absolutely divine. Unfortunately, they didn't have much desserts on hand so we didn't get any.

We went back to the airbnb with some local beer to try. We started up the campfire and sat around it drinking some beer and roasting marshmallows. He tried teaching me how to play Crib but I thought it was overly complicated.

The next morning we visited the giant fiddle! We tried to go to a Museum but they were on their lunch break well past the time the sign said.

We found a super cool little shop, the Sydney Odditorium where we both bought some gems then we headed to Glenora. This was the first Scotch distillery in Canada and looks exactly like they do in Scotland. I felt like I was in Scotland as I have visited some distilleries there.

We had dinner at the little restaurant there but after the meal the night before, I can't even talk about it.

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Nov 18, 2020

The bread with the salmon looks delicious.


Nov 18, 2020

The last time I went canoeing I ended up in the water after losing my balance getting in, runs in the family perhaps.


Nov 04, 2020

Looks like Thor really enjoyed this trip.

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