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  • Writer's pictureVictoria

Drive to Newfoundland!

Updated: Aug 27, 2021

The butterflies in my stomach are definitely starting up now that it's time to head to Newfoundland. It was hard to believe that this was actually going to happen and that I could do it. This is a trail that has appealed to me since I first went to Newfoundland in 2015 and learned about it.

I drove back through the highland park to get to North Sydney for the ferry. It was quite a bit longer but I wanted the scenery and had the time. I was quite glad I did go this way as I saw a moose as soon as I got into the highlands again. I didn’t see it at first I just saw that the car coming towards me was stopped so I slowed down too. Even though the baby moose was just standing on the side of the road the other guy honked and honked until it took off running. 

That was the only exciting thing to happen on the drive. It was still scenic but it rained off and on. A perk of that though was that I had a beautiful rainbow too. 

I got to North Sydney around 7:15pm and popped into Timmies to get a snack and use their Wi-Fi to upload some photos. I drove around a bit to look at the moon since it was really low and big, then headed to the ferry terminal. There are some tourist things to do in Sydney but I wasn't really there at peak visiting time. I was also starting to feel tired from all the hiking and excitement.

We weren't allowed to sit in the terminal, only use the washroom. I sat in my car waiting to board for about 30 mins while texting people and catching up. Thankfully boarding was quick and painless and I found a seat and snuggled up for bed. There are berths you can book on the ferry but they were out of my budget. I figured if I can sleep on airplanes, I can handle a ferry. The seats were slightly larger than airport seats and I brought my pillow and blanket up with me.

I fell asleep pretty fast since I was tired. But there was a snorer so I kept waking up. I don't know if the room echoed to make it louder or if they were just that loud normally. Also someone farted and then everyone was laughing.

I woke up with the first announcement of one hour from docking. I managed to doze until they announced 30 mins. I tried going back to sleep but it got too loud since people could see us docking. 

I lucked out and the deck my car was on was one of the first to get unloaded and take off!

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