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  • Writer's pictureVictoria

First hike of 2021

Updated: Jun 23, 2021

Shane & Leslie and I were pretty excited to get out hiking again. We’ve decided that we will pick a new trail every Saturday and get out explore. Even though we are in a lockdown, we are still allowed outdoor activity which I am very grateful for!

For our first hike we choose Lac Hertel in Mount St-Hilaire on a nature reserve. It was a bit closer to the city than the others we had done which meant less scenic of a drive there. I didn't realize the significance of the nature reserve until I read the plaques there but it was actually donated to McGill for preservation and enjoyment of nature. It led to an interesting conversation about how much land people used to own. Although, a lot of rich people do still have estates this size.

We had to prebook online, including our arrival time. When I got there around 9, the parking lot was already almost full, this is definitely a popular trail system!

I finally remembered to bring Thor hiking! I attached him to the outside of my pack and got a few comments but it was fun. Anyone want to knit him a sweater and hat? He always looks so cold.

We found a beautiful look off around the halfway point and saw a lot of chickadees flying around. They kind of circled us and were watching us eagerly so Leslie gave us some nuts and we tried to feed them. I only got videos of me feeding them so here is Shane with one!

We stopped for a lunch break shortly after the overlook, and I did remember my stove. However, I didn't have a camp stove, and it was so windy that it didn't really work. I have ordered a camp stove I've been eyeing for a while and next time I'll bring my windshield too. Always learning!

This trail was significantly more popular than the other ones we have hiked. I felt like we were always in sight of other people and often being passed. Quebec hikers are fast! I'm not really used to being passed on the trail...

I also got to test out my new gaiters (thanks dad!). They’re definitely going to be handy hiking here in the winter.

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