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  • Writer's pictureVictoria

5 Ways to Make Travelling with a Baby Easier

Updated: Feb 28

Travelling with your baby doesn't have to be stressful, read this post to learn how to make it easier!

When I announced my pregnancy, a lot of people responded with comments about how my adventures were going to change. Not everyone expected that I would give up hiking, camping or travelling, although many did. I was told over and over how different my life was going to look, how I would have to give up my passions or put them on hold for when Kymani was older. We do not have to sacrifice our hobbies for our children. You can introduce your children to almost anything you are passionate about, showing them the world in ways that nurture their curiosity and spark their own sense of adventure. Here are some of the ways I found to make travelling with a baby easier.

1. Invest in a Good Carrier

We love our Lillebaby Airflow and it has been to 12 countries with us now. This carrier is hands down my number one recommendation for anyone who wants to travel or take their baby on adventures. This ergonomic carrier combines comfort and style, allowing you to venture hands-free. You can easily breastfeed in it, both walking around or sitting on the airplane.

2. Teach them to Nap Anywhere

Many people will recommend having a stricter routine - white noise and a dark room being the most common. However, this can become a crutch and make napping anywhere more complicated. We avoided always putting him to bed in a dark room with white noise to allow more flexibility while travelling. This did get harder as he aged, but we enjoyed his contact naps in the carrier and put his noise cancelling headphones to good use. To see more on this topic, check out my post 5 Ways to Help Your Baby Nap on the Go.

3. Give Yourself Extra Time

Shane has dubbed this extra time we may need as the baby tax and calculates for every activity we head out on. This includes time needed for diaper changes, feeding, and soothing. We always aim to be ready 15-20 minutes earlier than the time we need to be ready at in case anything happens. No matter how big the adventure is or how many people are relying on us to be there at a certain time, if we aim to be there 20 minutes early we should make it there still.

4. Talk to your Family Doctor

This one might seem a little more obvious, but I don't mean just about their immunizations. This is an opportunity to find out about sunscreen use (especially before 6 months), bug spray, medications, and even introducing foods while in foreign countries.

5. Bring Lots of Snacks

This is another tip that seems a little obvious, but when you're sleep depreived and anxious/excited about a trip sometimes things can slip your mind. We chose to do baby led weaning while travelling, a big part because Kymani was so interested in food I don't think he would let us do anything else. We also thought it would be a lot easier to keep him fed and entertained! Pouches and baby crackers are great if you want something convieneit and don't mind a higher price tag, however you can also feed them simple things you like. One of his favourite snacks was deep fried tofu in Indonesia!

Traveling with your baby doesn't have to be stressful, it can be a rewarding and enriching experience. By embracing flexibility, preparation, and a sense of adventure, you can create lasting memories with your baby on the go. Feel free to drop your best tip in the comments!

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